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MOKENA, ILL -- Michael Geagan has been hired to serve as the new Director of Technical Services for the Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA). A 36‐year veteran of the plumbing and radiant/hydronic industries, Geagan will represent the RPA’s unique industry expertise as its public technical voice.
As owner/operator of Illinois‐based Tri‐City Plumbing, Geagan moved the company from traditional plumbing installation into the radiant/hydronic field. Later with Lochinvar Corporation, Midwest Boiler & Draft, Inc., and MBD Hydro, Inc., Geagan began developing and teaching a wide variety of educational programs and classes in radiant and hydronic technologies for contractors, technicians and building and design engineers.
He is a founding member of the Windy City Chapter of the RPA and was technical manager for the RPA’s Illiana Chapter in Illinois and northwest Indiana. Notable radiant projects on which Geagan has provided professional guidance include radiant heat and snow melt installation at the International Union of Operating Engineers (I.U.O.C.) Local 150 Training Facility in Wilmington, Ill., field/turf heat at the Chicago Bears 150‐yard outdoor training facility in Lake Forest, Ill., and radiant heat at the Indiana historical landmark Weiboldt‐Rostone House in Beverly Shores, Ind. — a restoration project on a “Home of Tomorrow” built in 1933 for the Chicago World’s Fair.
In his capacity as Technical Director, Geagan will ensure that all technical information published or presented by the RPA as an authoritative source is accurate, current and represents the RPA’s positions, as well as authoring editorial columns and technical articles for industry publications. He will also serve as liaison to the RPA’s Technical Committee, travel to tradeshows as the RPA’s representative, and develop education and training curriculum and lead educational seminars and Webinars.
“For more than 30 years it has been my passion to promote radiant technologies, even on a volunteer basis,” Geagan said. “This position gives me the opportunity to promote my passion not only locally, but nationally, and I believe it is an opportune time to revisit radiant in the United States.”
Geagan may be reached via e‐mail at [email protected] or phone at 708/995‐3001. For more information about the RPA and all activities associated with the RPA, contact the director by email: [email protected] or by phone: 708/995‐3003.