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WOODRIDGE, IL – Gerber Plumbing Fixtures, a manufacturer of high-quality, tried and true plumbing products, is celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2022.
It has been nine decades since Polish immigrant Maxwell Gerber started the company in 1932 in Kokomo, Indiana, on a foundation of forming genuine relationships and a steadfast dedication to service and quality.
Today, that spirit lives on as each Gerber team member delivers on a commitment to provide dependability reflected in both products and customer care.
Year-Long Celebration
To celebrate, Gerber is dedicated to a year of philanthropy, fun, and more.
Gerber has created a 90th anniversary landing page on to serve as a hub to highlight all things related to celebratory activities. Visitors can take a poll about the best product from the last 90 years, get the scoop on giveaways and events, read about charitable efforts, and take a dive into the heartfelt culture that has sculpted Gerber.
Gerber is running an Instagram campaign aimed at helping its followers give back to a charity of their choice. To enter, followers need to comment on applicable posts with which charity they would choose and why, and use the hashtag #GerberGivesBack90. Gerber is donating $90 on behalf of several followers a month.
Gerber has adopted the construction of 28 affordable homes in Cleveland, OH, through Building Hope in the City’s Good Neighbors & Co., a local housing nonprofit supporting low-income families, seniors and refugees, by providing all plumbing products for the properties.
Gerber partnered with World Vision on their global 6k for Water by sponsoring 90 registrations for employees and customers to participate in the 6K, which is the average distance a child in need has to walk for clean water in areas of the world where clean water is not accessible. These 90 registrations were part of the 24,460 people to register, which is going to provide access to life-changing water to nearly 44,000 people.
Gerber is proud to introduce its first-ever employee matching gift program. Now through the end of the year, employees can donate any amount to the charity of their choice, starting at $5. Gerber will match the donation up to $90. This is a pilot program the brand is hoping to make a permanent benefit to its team members.
Last year, Gerber traveled across the Midwest in an effort to get to know its customers and plumber base even better, hosting events and pulling a trailer loaded with Gerber products. In 2022, Gerber is back with plumber roadshows and 90th themed giveaways, promotions, and more.
Gerber is also saying a great big “thank you” to employees across North America at events featuring meals, raffles, gifts, and games.
As a finale to the year of celebration, Gerber plans to host a customer appreciation event at the 2023 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Orlando, Florida.