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ONTARIO, CA — The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) has made the 2023Water Efficiency and Sanitation Standard (WE•Stand) technical committee meeting monograph available for download.
All individuals anticipating an active role in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited consensus development of the WE•Stand at the technical committee meetings, May 17-18, in Ontario, CA, will want download these documents in Adobe PDf format from the following URL:
Hardcopy versions will not be available at the meetings.
To accommodate those who cannot attend in-person, an online option is available for those wishing to participate virtually. Virtual attendees are required to register in order to participate. Please contact [email protected] to obtain virtual meeting registration information.
The technical committee meeting monograph contains every change proposal submitted for the 2023 edition of the WE•Stand as part ofthe ANSI-accredited consensus code development process employed by IAPMO.
Topic areas for proposed changes to the WE•Stand include: onsite wastewater treatment systems for direct potable water use; onsite gray water treatment systems; the Water Demand Calculator (WDC); reverse osmosis water treatment systems; water efficiency rating systems and methodologies; maximum flow rates for fixtures and fittings; combination ovens; steam sterilizers; leak detection and control; irrigation control systems; permit exceptions for urine reuse systems; slopes for horizontal urine diversion piping; urine storage tanks; maintenance plans for urine diversion systems; rainwater storage tanks; maximum hot water system ratios; collection surfaces, drainage materials, and minimum water quality for potable rainwater catchment systems.
IAPMO urges its members and other interested parties to get involved in the code development process to ensure effectiveness in preserving the public’s health, safety, and welfare through fair and balanced development of the WE•Stand. Installers, plumbing officials,the construction industry, engineers, and manufacturers all benefit from a cooperative effort in developing codes and standards.
For specific information about the WE•Stand technical committee, please contact Taylor Duran at 909/218-8126 or e-mail your question to [email protected].