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ONTARIO, CA — The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®) has made the 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®)and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC®) Technical Committee Meeting Monographs available for download.
All individuals anticipating an active role in the American National Standard Institute (ANSI)-accredited consensus development of the Uniform Codes at the technical committee meetings in San Diego, May 6-10, will want to download these documents in Adobe PDF format from the following URLs:
Hardcopy versions will not be available at the meetings.
The Technical Committee Meeting Monographs contain every code change proposal submitted for the 2027 editions of the UPC and UMC as part of the ANSI-accredited consensus code development process employed by IAPMO. Attendees at the technical committee meetings must adhere to the IAPMO Group Event Code of Conduct. This Conference, Meeting and Event Code of Conduct guides everyone who participates in or attends IAPMO conferences, meetings, education sessions or other sponsored events.
Topic Areas for Proposed Changes
Topic areas for proposed changes to the UPC include: new reference standards for plumbing fixtures; plumbing venting systems; introduction of new novel products; temperature limitations of fixtures; material requirements for water supply and distribution systems; freeze protection; water supply pipe insulation; water softeners and water treatment devices; material requirements for drain, waste and vent piping and fittings; backflow prevention devices; rehabilitation provisions for building sewer and sewer lateral piping; fuel gas provisions; medical gas provisions; storm drain material and sizing requirements; gray water provisions; engineered roof drainage provisions; circuit venting provisions; healthcare facilities; professional qualification requirements; legionella provisions; Water Demand Calculator®; onsite stormwater treatment systems; private sewage disposal systems; non-sewered sanitation systems; updates for tiny houses; minimum fixture requirements; composting toilets and urine diversion systems; and requirements for normal operation, interruption to normal operation and reopening of plumbing systems.
Topic areas for proposed changes to the UMC include: installation requirements for listed appliances; requirements for equipment and appliances installed in garages; clearance requirements for equipment and appliances; condensate control; various ventilation and exhaust system requirements; smoke control systems; environmental and product conveying air ducts; Type I and Type II hoods; various provisions for air ducts such as fibrous glass ducts, fabric air dispersion systems, and plastic ducts; air balancing and air filtration requirements; legionella risk management provisions; decorative appliances; factory built fireplaces and stoves; masonry heaters; sauna heaters; air-source heat pump water heaters; venting of appliances; refrigeration systems; solar energy system provisions; various hydronic system provisions; fuel gas piping material and fitting requirements; district thermal energy network provisions; geothermal energy system provisions; new appendix for mechanical systems installed in tiny houses; and installation requirements for stationary power systems.
For More Information
For specific information about the UPC technical committee, please contact Enrique Gonzalez at 909/230-5535 or e-mail your question to [email protected]. For the UMC technical committee, contact Taylor Duran at 909/218-8126 or e-mail your question to [email protected].