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FRANKLIN PARK, IL — Sloan Valve Company has installed two wind turbines and a solar array on the roof of its headquarters in Franklin Park, Ill.
Sloan has become a test site for wind and solar energy by partnering with Aerotecture, an energy innovation company. One turbine has been installed over the front entrance, and the other is over the employee entrance.
“Sloan is always looking for new and innovative ways to help protect the environment by reducing our carbon footprint,” said Sloan Marketing Manager Tim Schiffbauer. “We sought ways to become more self-sufficient in our energy requirements at our headquarters. We not only want to develop water-efficient products; we want to benefit the overall environment through our commitment to sustainability.”
The turbines and solar panels will operate in conjunction with one another to generate adequate energy levels, Schiffbauer added. The test will help determine which wind turbine/solar array equipment works best in urban environments. A display will be mounted by the employee entrance to show how much energy is being generated, used and saved.
Being a test site reinforces Sloan’s mission of offering green products, such as its Solar-Powered sensor faucets and flush valves, Sloan ECOS® Dual-Flush Flushometers and high-efficiency toilets and urinals.
Sloan Valve Company is the world’s leading manufacturer of water-efficient plumbing systems and has been in operation since 1906. Headquartered in Franklin Park, Illinois, the company manufactures plumbing products and accessories for commercial, industrial, and institutional markets worldwide.
For more information, contact Sloan Valve Company at 10500 Seymour Avenue, Franklin Park, IL 60131. Telephone 800-9-VALVE-9 (982-5839), fax 800-822-0683, or visit: