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TEMPE, ARIZ. — The American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association will explore the latest in rainwater harvesting at its 2012 Annual Conference September 10-12 at the DoubleTree Raleigh Brownstone-University, Raleigh, N.C.
This year’s conference is focused on the many aspects and opportunities of urban rainwater capture. Several international presenters will provide a timely perspective on the status and regulatory environment of rainwater harvesting in other parts of the world.
Session topics include:
· Rainwater harvesting and low impact development
· Energy, food, water nexus
· Commercial rainwater systems (including military applications)
· Water treatment for potable uses
· Storm water management & mitigation
· Rainwater harvesting education
· Updates on rainwater harvesting codes and standards
Registration fees range from $200 for ARCSA members registering before August 15 up to $425 for non-members who register on-site. Early registration rates apply for members and non-members until August 15. Student registrations are highly discounted. Non-members can join the association now to enjoy the discounted conference rates.
Hosted hospitality events are built in to the Conference agenda to encourage informal networking discussions and connections with presenters and industry colleagues.
Prior to and following the Conference, a number of training classes are offered from ARCSA 100 to 300 accreditations. Additional information is available on the ARCSA website training agenda on the home page at
ARCSA is also looking for sponsors of the 2012 Annual Conference at a variety of sponsorship levels and costs. Details on sponsorships are available from ARCSA Executive Director Heather Kinkade at 512/617-6528.
Attendees should book a room at the Doubletree by August 19, 2012, to secure the conference rate of $119 per night, double or single. When making a reservation, use the group code ARC.
Additional information about the conference is available at