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RICHMOND, VA -- James River Air Conditioning announces the installation of its first Level 2 electric vehicle charger and the delivery of its first all-electric vehicle the 2011 Nissan Leaf. James River Air Conditioning specializes in HVAC, plumbing, electrical, solar energy and whole house efficiency programs. The Nissan Leaf is used as a corporate vehicle and to establish trends and operational data for deployment of electric vehicles in the larger James River fleet.
The Level 2 charger will be available to the public when not being used by James River corporate vehicles. It is listed on the nationwide register of publicly available electric car charging stations. Much of the energy used by the GE watt station electric charger is generated by the 10 kW solar system installed at the James River Air Conditioning company headquarters. In theory, the Nissan Leaf runs on the sun.
James River Air Conditioning and Hugh Joyce, its owner, are very excited and committed to the renewable energy marketplace. For more information contact Hugh Joyce at; [email protected] or 804/305-9595 (cell phone).
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