From now until April 30, 2022 contractors in the Pacific Northwest can earn an additional $500 for every heat pump water heater they install.
The effort is part of Bonneville Power Administration's Comfort Ready Home program, which provides tools for utilities and contractors to grow the number of weatherization and energy-efficiency upgrades installed in homes across the Northwest. Comfort Ready Home connects contractors with homeowners looking for energy-saving products. In addition, the program provides both technical and sales training.
In addition to heat pump water heaters, the program offers incentives for air sealing, duct sealing, window and door replacement, and ductless heat pumps.
To participate, contractors must be licensed in their state, enrolled in the Comfort Ready Home Residential Contractor Network, and install a water heater on the BPA Qualified Products List in a Single-family or manufactured home in a participating utility’s territory. (The program covers Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and small parts of California, Nevada, and Montana.)
Contractors will also receive a water heater-specific marketing toolkit and virtual training from a Comfort Ready Home outreach specialist. Learn more about the program here.