New Skill Builders Director receieves "2010 Educator of the Year Award" from Cisco
CHICAGO –Linda Hannah, Director of New Skill Builders and consultant to MCA Chicago, has been awarded the “Educator of the Year” award by CISCO, a labor-management association dedicated to union–contractor cooperation.
Linda Hannah has been described by the Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA) as “an expert on labor issues affecting minorities, a committed labor recruiter, and caring, compassionate advocate for a diverse workplace in the trades.”
As Director of the New Skill Builders program, Hannah and the New Skill Builders team, teach city residents to succeed and maintain meaningful employment in the construction industry. This is done through an intensive 13-week skills assessment and skill-building curriculum.
New Skill Builders has successfully assisted individuals in reaching their goals including graduates that are currently in the Pipe Fitters, Electricians, Plumbers and Carpentry apprenticeship programs.
Hannah has also been instrumental in assisting start up mentorship programs such as The African-American State Farm Insurance Agents; the carpenter’s union Sisters in the Brotherhood Mentorship Program; and the Chicago Freedom School.
For more information about the New Skill Builders program visit www.newskillbuilders.org.
MCA of Chicago is the leader of the union mechanical construction, industrial and service industry, promoting the professionalism, cost-effectiveness, safety and productivity of union construction and service through education, labor relations, public relations and government affairs both locally and nationally. Visit their website at mca.org
The Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) is a non-profit labor management association. CISCO was founded in 1988 in an effort to bring union construction labor and management representatives together to work cooperatively in order to better the construction industry as a whole. For more information, visit the organization’s website at cisco.org.
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