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ATLANTA — Habitat for Humanity Intl. announced that Kohler Co. has renewed its commitment, pledging an additional $1 million in water-saving products and $25,000 in funding to support Habitat's affordable housing work throughout the U.S. The company's current pledge is part of an online campaign dedicated to water conservation and will bring Kohler's total commitment to a total of $2 million worth of product to Habitat for Humanity.
The campaign,, is aimed at providing education about the importance of water conservation and water-saving products. For every visitor who takes the simple three-question quiz, Kohler donates $1 in water-saving products to Habitat for Humanity's sustainable building efforts. Since Jan. 2009, nearly 1,000 homes have been built with Kohler water-saving products in 47 states.
“Kohler recognizes the looming freshwater shortage facing the United States, and that saving water inside the home represents the best opportunity for a family to make a significant impact on their water consumption,” said John Engberg, manager of integrated communications and research at Kohler. “SaveWaterAmerica continues to educate homeowners, and benefit Habitat for Humanity with donations of Kohler plumbing products.”
Information about water-saving products is easily accessible on, which includes a database of available toilet rebate programs throughout the country. These rebates, ranging from $25 to $150, help offset the cost of replacing older model fixtures.
“Habitat for Humanity is committed to building energy-efficient homes and conserving natural resources, not only as a matter of conserving resources but also to better serve families,” said Larry Gluth, senior vice president for the U.S. and Canada at Habitat for Humanity Intl. “Money saved on utility costs help to make Habitat homes even more affordable.”
Founded in 1873 and headquartered in Kohler, Wis., Kohler Co. is one of America's oldest and largest privately held companies.
Habitat for Humanity Intl. is an ecumenical Christian ministry that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has built more than 350,000 houses worldwide, providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than 1.75 million people.
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