Longwood based, Comprehensive Energy Services Inc., along with Scott Stahley and Ed Price of Lincoln Property Co. of Florida, recently donated mechanical labor, equipment and materials to the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida's Women's Residential and Counseling Center. The project's retail value was approximately $35,000 and consisted of one commercial boiler and one hot water circulating pump that provided the hot water for the entire facility.
The Green Mechanical Council announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Continental Automated Buildings Association. The agreement calls for both organizations to cooperate to educate contractors, field technicians, and industry leaders about creating and maintaining environmentally sound residential and commercial mechanical systems.
The Palm Beach Association of the PHCC will hold their 20th Annual Plumbing Trade Show on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the South Florida Fairgrounds Expo East. The Fairgrounds is located at 9067 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach, Fla. More than a thousand participants are scheduled to attend the show, which is geared toward South Florida plumbing contractors. For details go to www.pbphcc.org, e-mail [email protected] or phone 561/740-1737.
The Carbon Monoxide Safety Association has received accreditation of its Combustion Analysis and Fuel Efficiency course from the National Oil Heat Research Alliance. The Combustion Analysis and Fuel Efficiency course is about combustion system performance and maximizing efficiency. This course has a strong focus toward the understanding of combustion diagnostics and adjustments to improve efficiency, performance and reliability, as well as troubleshooting and diagnosis of flue gas constituents. Additional information is available at 800/394-5253 or visit them online at www.cosafety.org.
The U.S. Green Building Council has doubled its network of LEED for Homes Providers across the United States. Green homes certified using LEED must complete a rigorous on-site inspection to verify performance in energy efficiency, water conservation, non-toxic materials, and other features. To date, more than 540 homes have been recognized at LEED certification levels of Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum.