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BROOKLYN, N.Y. — I read with mild amusement and later with great disappointment, the ignorant ranting of an individual such as Michael Gray, owner of some company called Refrigeration Specialists, who seems to be displeased with the direction of the magazine in its focus on renewable and sustainable practices and products. It seems that every article that promotes the "green agenda" infuriates this individual and in his opinion, promotes the aims of the liberal media and the President of the United States.
Michael, this magazine promotes the ever-evolving technologies that are changing the face of HVAC and the plumbing industry. Why would you promote the misuse of fuel resources, when a more efficient method is available? This magazine is not a political platform for your ideologies, but a forum for serious individuals who seek knowledge of our mechanical trade and the resources available within it.
Although you have the right to express your opinion, politicizing it does not make anyone more attune to your misgivings, but draws attention to your lack of initiative needed to back up your opinion on high efficiency equipment. No data or statistics nor reliable sources were used to verify your statement; this shows that your opinion lacks the credibility needed to make a bona fide argument against the "green intrusion" in the media.
I do agree, however, that in the interest of a future and present mechanical trade, you should retire as soon as possible to avoid the mis-education of your current customers and people with whom you are in contact to avoid loading your poisonous diatribe on an unsuspecting population. As for myself, I will not only continue with my subscription, but will actively encourage others to be part of this great magazine. Keep up the good work!
Note: I have benefited with the advent of the green movement and my business is getting better. And, by the way, CONTRACTOR magazine is on the Internet.