• The National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers is accepting submissions for its 2006 installation contest. Oil-heating companies wishing to enter the contest should submit a brief story about a job that describes obstacles that had to be overcome, documentation of any energy savings and positive feedback from the customer, along with a maximum of five photos. Information should be submitted to [email protected] by April 7. Winners will have an opportunity to accept their awards at the annual awards banquet held during the NAOHSM Convention and Trade Show May 14-18 in Hartford, Conn. For details, visit www.naohsm.org
• HC Information Resources will hold the new course "Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens: Minimizing Risk in Building Water Systems" April 27 at the Chicago Hyatt Regency. The course is for facility managers, safety officers, industrial hygienists, public health officials, plumbing inspectors, plumbing code officials, water treatment specialists, plumbing engineers and contractors and those offering services related to Legionella. Matt Freije will be the instructor. The tuition of $445 includes a course manual, a copy of Freije's book, a certificate and 0.7 continuing education units. To register, visit www.hcinfo.com or call 800/801-8050.
• In-Sink-Erator offers certified plumbers the opportunity to service the In-Sink-Erator disposer they have sold and installed thorough the new Service Your Own Work program. Plumbers submit customer warranty claims online, which are then processed and paid electronically at no cost to the plumber. Then the plumber receives $50 for each service call and the funds are directly deposited into his bank account. Printed certification materials are also available by calling the Pro Circle Hotline at 800/323-5050.
• The U.S Green Building Council, together with the Enterprise Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, the Trust for Public Land and others have announced initiatives designed to assist in the rebuilding efforts of the Gulf Coast communities ravaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. A panel session at USGBC's 2005 Greenbuild Conference & Expo, held Nov. 9-11in Atlanta, focused on embedding sustainable strategies in the rebuilding effort. USGBC planned to compile all the ideas generated to produce a workable document to guide the reconstruction efforts.
• Bradford White has donated $15,000 to the Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors - National Association. This year $7,500 went to PHCC's Apprenticeship Program and another $7,500 was earmarked for the National Auxiliary College Scholarship Fund.