Dan Holohan's new book, Greening Steam: How to Bring 19th-Century Heating Systems into the 21st Century (and save lots of green!), is helping heating professionals and homeowners save energy and money. According to Holohan, author and President of HeatingHelp.com, "When it comes to saving money on heating, old steam systems are delicious low-hanging fruit. There is so much you can do to make them better, and most of what you do won’t cost a fortune."
There are many steam systems in service today, and they'll be around for some time to come. It's not that easy (or inexpensive) to rip out a steam system and start anew, and that's why so many of them are still around. Dan Holohan's new book walks you through old steam heating systems and shows how to get the most out of it without putting a lot of money into it. It's an entertaining and informative book that will have readers looking at steam heating in a whole new light.
Readers have given this book a consistent five out of five stars in reviews on HeatingHelp.com. Daniel G. of Abilene, Inc. says the book "is packed with all of the information any heating professional or steam heat homeowner will ever need to get a steam system operating at peak efficiency." After applying knowledge gained from Greening Steam to a recent job, Bob L. of Guardian Heating said, "We have been in business for 57 years and I guarantee you we as a company were never prouder of a job."
To purchase Greening Steam: How to Bring 19th-Century Heating Systems into the 21st Century (and save lots of green!) for just $30.00 per copy, visit www.heatinghelp.com or call 800/853-8882.