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WASHINGTON, DC -- The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), the preeminent developer of codes governing plumbing, mechanical, swimming pool and solar systems, has expressed public support for two proposed pieces of legislation concerning domestic water supplies introduced by U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D‐Texas).
The Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2012 focuses attention on the energy‐water nexus, which means the energy required to provide reliable water supplies and the water required to provide reliable energy supplies. The Act directs the Secretary of Energy to integrate water considerations into the Department of Energy's (DOE's) energy research. The bill requires the Secretary to seek to advance energy technologies and practices that would minimize freshwater withdrawal and consumption, increase water use efficiency, and utilize nontraditional water sources with efforts to improve water quality. The Secretary is required to develop a Strategic Plan and create technical milestones to address the energy‐water nexus.
“The Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2012 is long overdue and integral to addressing the energy‐water nexus,” IAPMO CEO GP Russ Chaney said. “In achieving energy independence, the embedded energy in water is often overlooked by policymakers. This bill focuses the spotlight on this key issue and calls for better water collection data, which is desperately needed to properly address this ever‐growing problem.”
The Coordinating Water Research for a Clean Water Future Act of 2012 elevates the importance of clean and reliable water through the implementation of a National Water Research and Development Initiative at the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) out of the White House. The Initiative will improve the federal government's role in coordinating federal water research activities, which will help address changes in U.S. clean water use, quality, supply, and demand. The Act establishes an interagency committee, coordinating office, and advisory committee to implement the Initiative.
“This focused initiative would create a collaborating effect among the federal government to better address the very fragmented issues facing the plumbing industry and the overall water issue as a whole,” Chaney said. “With plumbing systems being an IAPMO key core‐competency, we feel strongly that the provisions outlined in both bills are pivotal to the needs of our country in addressing the water crisis.”
With membership of approximately 7,300 members worldwide, IAPMO remains the only standards body where plumbing, mechanical and solar codes are developed employing a true voluntary consensus process accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
“These two bills will focus the federal government research efforts on clean water, a critical natural resource that we can no longer afford to take for granted,” Rep. Johnson said. “Whether it is billions of dollars in lost revenue to our country's small businesses, or lack of quality water supplies, the country is already feeling the impacts of reduced water availability and quality. Given this diverse base of support and the passage of similar bills through the House in the 111th Congress, I hope that the Science, Space, and Technology Committee and the House will be quick to take up these pieces of legislation and move them expeditiously. With IAPMO's core competency on plumbing issues, I appreciate their support and expertise."