Afraid of Flat Rate? Pass the testosterone, please

July 25, 2014
So Svetlana could do that but you're afraid to go Flat Rate? You don't have time to change your business culture. What's your proof? There are different ways to change, to overcome the dread in your gut that says you can't. You, too, can get prepared first, then look fear in the eye knowing you've got the guns on your side.  

Back in 1984, Svetlana Savitskaya became the first woman to perform a space walk. She served two tours on the Salyut 7, the Soviet Union's space station. She cut and welded metals outside of the station for a period of three hours and thirty-five minutes. In addition, she set 18 international world records on MiG aircraft and three records in team parachute jumping.

So she could do that but you're afraid to go Flat Rate, raise your prices, and earn a decent living? I know, many of you sexists types are thinkin' she was one of them steroid-packed brutes the USSR used to send to the Olympics, so I took a gander on the Web, and, from my admittedly sexist point of view, she was ... muy bonita!

In short, Svetlana had more testosterone — the hormone that's supposed to make men tougher than women — than many business owners I've never heard from. You weenies prefer excuses and whining: “I caaan't!”; “My customers don't have any money!”; “It won't work in my area!”; “It's too haaard!”

Well, for those trapped in fear, your excuses are absolutely spot-on correct! Yep, them that thinks they can, will, and them that thinks they can't, won't. So let's talk about the elephant in the room — FEAR.

I capitalized the term so it would stick out, and because there are many acronyms for fear, one of the best being: False Evidence Appearing Real.

You don't have time to change your business culture. What's your proof? You know your customers won't pay enough for you to make a decent living. What's your proof? You're absolutely convinced that proper pricing — even when made simple and easy with electronic media — is too difficult to learn or teach. What's your proof? I'll bet my last dollar these excuses go through your head constantly. Well, tell the voices in your head to shut the hell up and move on.

Easy for you to say from your lofty perch, O'Connell. Is it? Every day I wake up with fear, but, through consistent, persistent, insistent intent, I've have learned from others how to move through it.

Basically, it goes like this: Alone I'm screwed. With partnership, community, and connection to others I'm a success. Every day the adventure starts again; every day's another opportunity; every day we can make at least one small change that will lead us to greater achievement.

How do I know? I been there. I started by giving up the excuses. “Can't” became “can” and “can” took over.

There are different ways to change, to overcome the dread in your gut that says you can't. Here are two. 1) Make a decision, and lock-stock-'n-barrel go for it! This is like rippin' a Band-Aid off a sore rather than peelin' it slowly (thanks Joe Cunningham). It hurts like the devil but the pain's over quick. Problem with this method is, if you've miscalculated, your business might be through pretty quick too. 2) Take a slower, easier, more calculated approach and the results will be more predictable, easier to implement, and safer. How do I know? I been there.

I chose the second way and I got successful. You can too, but only if you quit making excuses, only if you quit living in fear! Do you think Svetlana just decided to go to the moon one day, then went out and jumped in a rocket? Doubt it. Lots of schooling, lots of training, lots of preparation went into her intention to become an astronaut. Think her fear lessened? Doubt that also, but she got prepared to face the fear down and did it.

You, too, can get prepared first, then look fear in the eye knowing you've got the guns on your side. You don't have to walk into the unknown unprepared. Just get moving. Start by gettin' out of the hole you’re in. (By-the-way, the first rule of getting out of a hole you're digging is to quit digging.)

Face them fears. Take that first step. Take a first step. But fer cryin'-out-loud, do something! The rest of the journey is just one step after another ... small steps that will take you on a journey that might even take your breath away as it did mine.



Ed O'Connell is the founder emeritus of O'Connell Plumbing Inc. He is the subcontracting business coach for smaller contractors and a Service Round Table Coach. He can be reached in Auburn, California, at home/office: 530/878-5273 or at [email protected].

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