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ROLLING MEADOWS, IL — The Board of Directors of Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI) has voted to approve Viega LLC as the newest manufacturing member of PMI. The announcement was made by PMI President Fernando Fernandez, Director of Codes and Standards, TOTO USA. Viega is the third member to be added this year, following Similor AG and Franke, whose status as manufacturing members was announced in March. “We are delighted to welcome back Viega into PMI and look forward to their involvement with respect to association activities,” said Fernandez.
Viega manufactures pipe fitting and joining systems for plumbing and heating. PMI membership consists of both manufacturing and allied members, who together represent more than 90 percent of the nation’s market share of plumbing products. Participation in PMI affords members the opportunity to work with other manufacturers to effect positive changes in the industry. PMI projects a strong voice on legislative and regulatory matters, plumbing and building codes and standards, and water conservation and provides marketing and management information to its members and the industry.
“We have been active in a number of codes, standards and industry organizations for many years. PMI brings a new dimension to these efforts.” said Martin Knieps, director of technical marketing at Viega LLC. “We have significant interest in the issues PMI and its members address and look forward to actively contributing to the organization.”
Representatives from Viega attended last year’s PMI Conference as prospective members to see the benefits of PMI in action, prior to making their applications, and will participate this year at the 2015 PMI Conference as full-fledged members. Eligible prospective members may attend a maximum of two PMI meetings as a non-member. In addition to the annual conferences, PMI hosts industry events and initiatives throughout the year including legislative fly-ins.
The year’s annual conference is scheduled for October 26-29, 2015 at the Hotel Contessa in San Antonio, Texas and will focus on “The Future of Water: Wins, Woes and Worries.” Prospective members interested in attending may contact PMI directly at 847/481-5500 or register online at Please contact PMI for information about other current events.
Details about the benefits and value of membership, eligibility, and how to join and are available on the PMI website at