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Dallas — Changes to NFPA 13, a 90-minute virtual seminar detailing the most recent changes to the standard — significantly the requirements for earthquake bracing, protection of various storage arrangements and installation requirements — will be given by NFPA's Jim Lake, on Dec. 18, at 12:00 p.m. EST.
Lake has more than 20 years experience in fire protection including code enforcement, fire sprinkler industry representation, and codes and standards administration. He is presently a senior fire protection specialist at NFPA. In this position, Lake is responsible for working with the NFPA Technical Committee on Automatic Sprinklers and is responsible for writing NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R. He has worked in the past with various technical committees including the NFPA Life Safety Code, Ventilation and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations, Road Tunnel and Highway Fire Protection and Fixed Guideway Transit Systems. Lake holds a bachelors degree in Fire Prevention Administration and a masters degree in Education.
The seminar costs $90 per connection for AFSA members and $130 per connection for non-members. The connection fee includes one telephone connection at one location, one master set of handouts and an unlimited number of participants. There is an additional $40 processing fee per listener who opts to receive the available 0.15 CEUs or 1.5 CPDs, if applicable to their skill level per NICET.