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DALLAS — Part 1, Center for Life Safety Education 501, is a prerequisite to CLSE Part 2, and describes the history of the NFPA 13D standard, and how it differs from NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R. It discusses the exceptions allowed by NFPA 13D in certain circumstances, and covers water supply requirements and how they are determined and evaluated. Other topics covered include residential sprinkler spacing and location; residential sprinkler coverage areas, temperature ratings and obstructions to discharge; applicable pipe and fittings; multipurpose and stand-alone piping systems; and concepts and considerations used in residential system hydraulic calculations.
Part 2, CLSE 502, requires the completion of Part 1. This program leads the student through the detailed step-by-step process of reviewing a fire sprinkler system plan designed for protection of a single-family home. Supplemental documents, available to the student as downloadable files, provide a copy of the plan to be reviewed as well as supporting data sheets, hydraulic calculations and a sample plan review checklist.
CLSE has added to the growing selection of online seminars with the addition of a new seminar on pressure reducing valves. This seminar covers the following: a brief background to pressure-reducing valves, including building code requirements, NFPA-14 and NFPA-13 requirements, how to identify PRV makes/models and characteristics of PRVs, direct-acting PRVs, factory set and field adjustable types, sprinkler floor control valves (generally in-line type), standpipe hose valves, generally angle type and pressure control valves.
Also included is discussion from the Authority Having Jurisdiction’s point of view regarding design and plan review issues; inspection testing and maintenance issues; and fire department operation issues.
To aid in the contractor/AHJ relationship and the long-term reliability of future fire sprinkler installations, the CLSE has developed a series of affordable, easy-to-access online seminars designed to assist inspectors and plan reviewers in gaining a more thorough understanding of fire sprinkler systems installations – how they are designed, how they follow NFPA standards, and what to look for to ensure that they meet the goal of good fire protection. Building on the success of the Fire Sprinklers 100 Series, the three complete segments of Fire Sprinklers 200 Series is now online, plus the new 300 Series.
CLSE has also added a new online audio seminar, Seismic Design for Fire Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13 2007 Edition, presented by CLSE presenter Steven Scandaliato, S.E.T. The topic of seismic design has become well known to many over the past five years. The new editions of NFPA and IBC have arrived and offer a much more understandable process for those involved with fire protection systems to apply. This seminar will be valuable to both engineers of record, sprinkler system designers and authorities of jurisdiction.