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VIA E-MAIL -- I’m a homeowner with a septic odor problem and got discovered Dave Yates' e-mail address from an article called, “House traps solve septic odor problems,” from I’ve had little luck with various plumbers and septic system repairs, so I’m searching for ideas. The article mentioned above regarding the house trap seems to be a viable solution to my problem. In the article Dave mentions a drawing when discussing the house trap, but the drawing was not available on the Web site. It would be greatly appreciated if you could forward the drawing or send a link to it or a similar diagram.
Thank you,
Rick Podell
[email protected]
Dave Yates responds: I've e-mailed the drawing to you. Bear in mind that not all areas of the U.S. permit the installation of a house-trap-set, so you may want to check with local codes folks first.
Keep me posted on your progress, please.