Sison Plumbing & Heating, Walpole, Massachusetts, is one of CONTRACTOR’s Cream of the Crop Contractors! Find out why we at CONTRACTOR believe Sison Plumbing & Heating, owned by Bruce Sison, is a top-notch contractor.
1. What makes Sison Plumbing & Heating unique when compared to other mechanical contracting companies?
Taking the time to make sure jobs are done the right way, regardless of if the job is time consuming. I'm not afraid of selling customers what they need, and not necessarily what will make me the most money. I'd rather sell them something they need, the right products, then sell them something that doesn't work.
I believe in doing the right thing to help people, and changing the stereotypes we get as people in the trade."
2. How many trucks does Sison Plumbing & Heating have? What type of trucks (make and model)?
One truck, which is the 2012 Nissan NV 2500.
3. What are the most-used tools at Sison Plumbing & Heating?
I predominantly use Milwaukee tools (pretty much everything they sell)! The sawzall and cordless right angle super hog for drilling holes I use on an everyday basis. They're such reliable tools.
4. What equipment is most installed during residential/commercial jobs?
I use Uponor PEX at every residential job for water and heat piping. For water heaters on demand and tankless, I use Rinnai. For boilers I use Viessman. I use Taco products for all of my heating jobs and any kind of hydronic system: pumps, air separators, fill valves - everything is green and black!
5. What makes Sison Plumbing & Heating a great place to work?
I'm looking forward to growing my company and building an environment that will create long-lasting employees. I want to create opportunities for people to grow and develop new skills just as you would invest in new tools or equipment, you also much invest in your employees. As long as someone is willing to work hard for me, I'm willing to work hard for them."