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Past President Brian Nieman, Nieman Plumbing of Cincinnati, handed the leadership role over to President-Elect Dave Wolfe of Wat-Kem Mechanical, Troy, Ohio. Wolfe will serve a one-year term.
Serving alongside Wolfe on the Executive Committee are officers: Rodger Sweitzer, Baumann Plumbing, Westerville, Ohio; Vice President Paul Episcopo, VIP Plumbing, Warrensville Hts., Ohio. Nieman will serve this year as immediate past president/treasurer.
Directors on the board, not serving on the Executive Committee, are: Steve Jerome Jr., Jerome Plumbing, Highland Hts., Ohio; Rick Seifert, D & A Plumbing & Heating, Uniontown, Ohio; Jeff Heger, NIXCO Plumbing, Cincinnati; Jason Norris, ARS Rescue Rooter, Columbus; Rob Fetz, Fetz Plumbing & Heating, Urbana, Ohio; Jim Haberek, Haberek Plumbing & Heating, Brookpark, Ohio; and Ron Schmitt, Joe Schmitt and Sons Plumbing, Brookville, Ohio.
PHCC Ohio also thanked Greg Eisenhart, Sanford Plumbing & Supply, Liverpool, Ohio, for completing his service on the board this year.