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WASHINGTON — As the Environmental Protection Agency finalizes its WaterSense specification for single-family new homes, green building inspection and rating organizations are now eligible to partner with WaterSense. EPA has begun licensing certification providers who will coordinate inspection and certification of WaterSense labeled new homes.
WaterSense will label new homes that use 20% less water than a typical new home. Licensed certification providers will hire or contract with inspectors and oversee inspections of new homes, as well as recruit builders and train inspectors using materials provided by WaterSense.
Licensed certification providers are the only organizations authorized to issue the WaterSense label certificate for new homes that meet EPA's final specification, which will be released by the end of this year.
To become an EPA licensed certification provider, organizations must contact an approved program administrator for training on the WaterSense single-family new homes specification and the certification process for WaterSense labeled new homes.
RESNET is the first organization to be an approved program administrator. As more are approved, they will be listed on the Web site