LANSDOWNE, VA. — The 2011 HVACR & Mechanical Instructor Workshop will feature a wide array of timely and cutting-edge educational sessions. The only industry instructor workshop that is developed and supported by HVACR and Mechanical Instructor associations across the country will take place March 23–25 at the National Conference Center here.
Ted Lowe, executive director of the Radiant Professionals Alliance, has made instructor training on radiant a priority, noting that the training of students in radiant is crucial to the future of the industry. The Instructor Workshop, consequently, will have a session on the basics of radiant heat.
Other key workshop sessions on a variety of topics will cover hydronics, updating/instructing students on R-410a systems, commercial refrigeration controls and applications, writing effective test questions, program funding, obtaining equipment for classrooms and labs, ECM motors, and the fuel gas code.
CONTRACTOR magazine sponsors the Plumbing Instructor of the Year Award at the Workshop.
The 2011 HVACR & Mechanical Instructor Workshop is recommended for all HVACR instructors, administrators, and industry trainers in secondary, postsecondary, and proprietary programs. In addition, HVACR and apprentice program instructors and administrators as well as apprentice program advisory committee members are encouraged to attend.
This annual industry event is jointly sponsored by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute; Air Conditioning Contractors of America; Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International; Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada; North American Technician Excellence; National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers; National Association Educational Foundation; Plumbing -Heating-Cooling Contractors – National Association; and the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society.
In addition, the workshop is closely partnered with Association for Career and Technical Education, Council of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Educators, and SkillsUSA.
Registration for the 2011 HVACR & Mechanical Instructor Workshop is provided to instructors by the partnering industry associations. Participants are only responsible for transportation costs and lodging, which includes meals. For additional information and a listing of all educational opportunities at the Workshop, as well as a complete list of 2011 participating workshop exhibitors, is available at