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PHC Calendar of Training and Industry Events
MOKENA, ILL. — The Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA) is now accepting entries for its System Design Showcase 2012 competition, an exceptional way for designers and contractors to demonstrate their creativity and finesse in design and competence in installation before their peers in the radiant and hydronic industry.
The deadline to submit a completed application, including typewritten description, photos and schematics/drawings for consideration in any of six categories is July 15. Full entry form application may be downloaded from the RPA Website at:
The competition categories are: new or retrofit residential; new or retrofit commercial; snow/ice melting; electric; innovation; and cooling. Industry peers will perform private, structured judging via a secure “members only” section of the RPA Website.
A panel of industry experts will screen all projects and those chosen as the best voted on by RPA members to determine which are worthy of awards for their achievement. Winners will be announced at the RPA Annual System Design Showcase Reception to be held in Chicago, Sept. 18, during the RPA’s Annual Membership Meeting and Conference (held in conjunction with Mechanical Systems Week) and their projects presented in RADIANT LIVING magazine.
Past winners have presented professionally installed systems accompanied by drawings, sizing information, before, during and after photos. Given the growing popularity of Green technology, a short explanation of why a system was chosen by the customer versus more traditional methods is recommended. Additionally, a study demonstrating the efficiency of the system is similarly encouraged.
“We look forward to seeing the innovative and exceptional radiant projects our members have installed and sharing the absolute best of the bunch with the industry,” said RPA Director of Technical Services Michael Geagan.
Click here for more information or address any specific questions to Michael Geagan by calling (708) 995‐3001 or e‐mailing him at [email protected].