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BROADVIEW, IL — There was more than deep-dish pizza served at The Unified Group’s recent 2022 BIM Forum in Chicago—participants also dug deep into industry related conversations. With nine companies and 17 attendees from across the nation, discussions consistently flowed and never truly ended.
Overall, this professional development group meeting largely focused on general BIM, using Revit and prefabrication challenges.
During the discussion centering on general BIM, members went around the room sharing ideas from their own companies, which included the software they use for estimating and prefabrication, layout for points and hangers and their tactics in tracking and project management.
Successful Conversations
“To have a room full of highly talented and skilled professionals in a conversation that leads to success of all parties through practice and process sharing is outstanding,” said Dave Schoendaller of Glassman Corporation.
The next topic on using Revit was another group discussion that was facilitated by the meeting MC, Harry King of Legacy Mechanical, Inc. Members took turns showing their modeling systems, which corresponded to coordination, fabrication spool drawings, estimating, BIM/material ordering, virtual reality and more.
“The best part of the meeting was understanding how different contractors do the same thing and seeing their learning processes and methods to implement,” said Darin Miller of Standard Plumbing and Heating.
Potential of Prefab
Prefabrication challenges was another subject that piqued interest in the attendees. No one likes to fail, so when someone shares a challenge, everyone listens to reduce the likelihood of the same thing happening in their company. Discussions revolved around the timeline of prefabrication, storing prefabricated materials, customization of carts/racks and more.
After three years of postponing due to the pandemic, members were excited to finally reunite with one another and meet new members.
“Seeing team members from the last forum three years ago, and how much they have grown was the best part of the meeting,” said Shawn Sandstedt of B&I Contractors, Inc.
The Unified Group will host another event in October for both members and non-members. To attend the 2022 Construction Forum, or for information on joining the organization, contact Janet Kelleher at [email protected].