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Victaulic named TSI Innovator of the Year for Virtual Truck Loading Software
EASTON, PA . – Victaulic, the world's leading manufacturer of mechanical pipe joining systems, was named Innovator of the Year by Technical Sales International (TSI) for the Victaulic Virtual Truck Loading Software. TSI, an established provider of innovative Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions and services for the construction industry, gives the annual Innovator of the Year award to its customers that best exemplify the spirit of commitment to the BIM process. Innovator of the Year honorees take great ideas and turn them into a functioning process that harnesses the potential of TSI’s product offerings, thereby pushing the construction industry forward by speeding up the process, reducing risk and increasing efficiency and innovation.
Victaulic was selected as Innovator of the Year by TSI senior technology officers for its patent-pending, Virtual Truck Loading Software which “nests” spools of piping onto trucks to maximize the efficiency of delivery to the jobsite. This progressive approach is recognized by TSI as a leading-edge addition to the design-to-fabrication process.
The software, custom designed by Victaulic, is inter-operable with Autodesk Fabrication CADmep 2013 and allows the user to import fabrication spools, easily extracted from CADmep, to virtually lay out fabrication trucks while tracking the center of gravity of the load. The application also provides cribbing details in advance so fabricators can build and place cribbing prior to the pipe spools being placed.
“The Virtual Truck Loading Software exemplifies the innovation made possible with TSI’s BIM software offerings,” said Brian Gruel, vice president technology at TSI. “With this software, Victaulic has added an element to coordination and pre-planning and created new efficiencies that will be generated by extending BIM coordination further into the project life cycle.”
Prior to this application, pre-planning and BIM coordination often ended at fabrication. The Victaulic Virtual Truck Loading Software, however, extends BIM coordination to the trucking allowing the user to gain efficiencies in the fabrication shop including the elimination of double-handling of prefabricated parts. By virtually laying out trucks in advance, fabrication work can be sequenced accordingly and material handling reduced.
For more information about the Victaulic Virtual Truck Loading Software and other services for contractors and engineers, please visit the Victaulic Project Management Services Page. For more information about TSI’s BIM software offerings, please visit