Above: Vern Lewis accepts a plaque from students and staff at Doniphan High School, his alma mater.
MASON, OH — Students and staff at Doniphan West High School in Highland, KS, are thrilled to have a newly updated welding lab with more than $175,000 of new equipment and renovations, including several new welding kits from Harris Products Group.
The project was organized by a Harris distributor, Vern Lewis Welding Supply in Arizona. The company wanted to honor its founder, Vern Lewis, and his high school alma mater. The distributor worked with the high school to fund and solicit product donations for the complete renovation of the building where Vern first learned about welding in the 1950s.
“Vern is a long-time partner with Harris Products Group, and we are honored to be part of this effort to recognize his contributions to the welding industry,” said Joaquin Guerra, Harris’ Sales & Marketing Director, The Americas. “Providing brand-new equipment for students could spur more interest in welding careers, which is great for the trades industry.”
Lincoln Electric, parent company of Harris Products Group, also donated welding equipment to the high school.
The welding lab now bears Lewis’ name. His company kept the project a secret from him until a ribbon-cutting and unveiling on Oct. 1.
For more details, see this article on the Vern Lewis website: https://vernlewis.com/a-local-arizona-welding-supply-becoming-a-legacy/