WESTLAKE, OHIO - The American Society of Sanitary Engineering's Board of Directors have recently approved the new revisions made to backflow standards 1013-2009, 1015-2009, 1047-2009, and 1048-2009. With these revisions, ASSE will have the most comprehensive and detailed standards of their type in the world.
Backflow standards 1013-2009, Performance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventors and Reduced Pressure Principle Fire Protection Backflow Preventors; 1015-2009, Performance Requirements for Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Double Check Fire Protection and Backflow Prevention Assemblies; 1047-2009, Performance Requirements for Reduced Pressure Detector Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies; and 1048-2009, Performance Requirements for Double Check Detector Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies include the addition of new test sections, restructuring of some existing tests, as well as changes in the order of testing an assembly to the test criteria. Some of the new test sections include: a Seat Leakage Test of Shut-Off Valves and a High Velocity Test for all four standards, a Sensitivity of Differential Pressure Relief Valve Test, an Air Gap Device Backsiphonage Test for 1013 and 1047 assemblies, and a Hydrostatic Backpressure Test of Checks on 1013 assemblies. These additions and changes will necessitate some retesting of assemblies that are already listed by ASSE to these standards. This retesting, according to ASSE's Seal Control Board Procedures, can take place over the next three year period.
In association with these four standards, ASSE has also introduced their One Year Field Test Program, which in addition to laboratory testing is designed to test backflow prevention devices under normal working conditions. With these documents now in place, ASSE will be developing a list of qualified individuals to test these assemblies regularly over the one-year field test period. In order to gain the recognition and acceptance of different states, water purveyors are currently being contacted and presented with the One Year Field Test Program. This program will open a whole new field of opportunity for the American Society of Sanitary Engineering.
For more information, contact: Steve Hazzard, Staff Engineer, via e-mail at [email protected], or via telephone at 440/892.9563.