
Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Swimming Pool & Private Sewage Disposal: Conformity Assessment Made Easy and Credible

June 15, 2017
The International Code Council (ICC) and its legacy organizations, namely the ICBO, BOCA and the SBCCI have been known for years for both the building codes and building product evaluation.  What many people may not realize is the experience and the dominance of ICC and ICC-ES in the area of plumbing, mechanical and gas codes and products certification. 

The International Code Council (ICC) and its legacy organizations, namely the ICBO, BOCA and the SBCCI have been known for years for both the building codes and building product evaluation.  What many people may not realize is the experience and the dominance of ICC and ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) in the area of plumbing, mechanical and gas codes and products certification. 

ICC’s International Plumbing Code has been adopted in more states than any other plumbing code published in the US.  The mechanical code has been adopted in 49 states as well.  The evaluation service program has been certifying plumbing and mechanical codes for decades. 

Why do clients come to ICC-ES for their certification needs? Because our marks of conformity are what the code officials look for; our evaluation process is fast and thorough and is what code officials trust; International Code Council enjoys the membership of 63,000 members, 15,000 of which are code officials and plumbing inspectors that look for our mark of conformity (no other organization in this  industry comes close to this grand level of membership); ICC-ES helps manufacturers go to market faster; ICC-ES PMG evaluates to all applicable codes such as the IPC, IRC and the UPC as well as the National Plumbing Code of Canada;  and ICC-ES offers the most friendly and customer centric service in the industry.

ICC-ES PMG offers a complete range of services for the North American continent:

  1. Plumbing: ranges from faucets and toilets and fixtures to pipes and backflow prevention devices and all other products referenced in the North American codes and standards.
  2. Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Swimming Pool and private sewage disposal:  With the most experienced mechanical engineers on board, ICC-ES can certify all products reference in these International Codes as well as other codes such as the UMC which is adopted by only the state of California.
  3. Other services:  Drinking water treatment units, low lead evaluation, toxicity evaluation, material and component listing, food equipment, kitchen cabinets, etc.

What sets ICC-ES apart from other service providers? Well, it is numerous:

  1. ICC-ES PMG program is more affordable than other service providers.  On average, an applicant saves 50% when switching over to ICC-ES PMG.
  2. The code officials and inspectors in the US and Canada, many of whom being members of the International Code Council, readily recognize and trust the ICC-ES PMG mark of conformity.  Some only look for the PMG mark when approving products for Installation.
  3. ICC-ES PMG’s product evaluation offers the most comprehensive product evaluation in the service industry.  Products are evaluated to the IPC, IRC, NPCC as well as any local and state codes (at the request of the clients).
  4. ICC-ES PMG not only does thorough evaluations, but expedited evaluations.  While others may use monthly committee meeting with a group of bureaucrats, ICC-ES uses the services of experienced engineers with many years of codes and standards experience. 
  5. ICC-ES PMG does not conduct useless warehouse inspections, which saves manufacturers money and time.
  6. ICC-ES PMG offers free WaterSense listing.
  7. It offers free NSF 372 and lead law listing.
  8. The NSF 61 listing is normally in the same file as the performance file applicable to the product, hence, there are no additional fees for maintenance of NSF 61 listings.

Above all, ICC-ES is backed by the International Code Council, the publisher of the most prominent codes in the nation, from the building code, to the plumbing, mechanical and gas code and the swimming pool code.  ICC-ES has all the expertise in-house to conduct the most comprehensive product evaluations.  It also has the most experienced and friendly engineers and staff in the industry.  Code officials look for the ICC-ES marks of conformity; manufacturers trust the ICC-ES marks of conformity.  For more information visit or contact an ICC-ES Connect+ Customer Care representative on 1-800-423-6587.

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